
About Us

Our Story

Traditions & New Beginnings: We started out as Christy’s Collections in the fall of 2006. A grand idea for my mom, daughter, and myself to open a home accessory, antique, and custom sewing store downtown Bardstown. Christy’s Collections was on the first floor, my mom’s Sew it Seams on the second, and anything left over on the 3rd. It was so much fun being with mom, Robyn, and so many other family members. It was a lot of hard work, but soon paid off in a way that we never would’ve dreamed.

Not having enough to do (in mom’s words), we decided to open a cafe’, antique, and sewing store combination. Attached to our building was a small room in the back, perfect for a kitchen! We bought a small grill, deep fryer, used an old stove, fridge, and freezer from my home, then went to discount stores for dishes, pots, and pans. Soon after, we became so busy and overwhelmed that we had to bring sewing tables and any kind of chairs we could find to accommodate all our new customers. I don’t know how we did it in that small room, but people loved it and would eat in the kitchen while we cooked.

We always kept both my grandmothers’ memories alive because they would’ve loved it so much. Both grandmothers, who we called “Mammy,” were Lucille Hourigan, (who had 17 children) whose specialties were sausage gravy and homemade biscuits. Mammy Clyde Gribbins, (who had 15 children) favorites were pinto beans and fried chicken. I’m now a “Mammy” with my own grandchildren and I carry on their traditions with a sense of great responsibility and pride. I remember waking up to the smell of bacon frying, the chitter chatter of pots and pans and the various conversations about the weather and the schedule for that day. I hope to give my grandchildren some of the memories that I was so fortunate to experience.

Not long after the Café opened, we had no idea of regulations, guidelines, ventilation, and restrooms. What was working, wasn’t working. Soon after, we were approached with a new opportunity to move into a beautiful historical building a few doors down that would accommodate our growing customers and the need to become an actual restaurant. It was not planned by us at all, but by faith alone, we are doing what we love to do still to this day and from our heritage and knowledge of country cooking. We knew that it would be called “Mammy’s Kitchen”. Needless to say, we were in the right place at the right time! Serendipitous!

My mother passed away in April of 2009, and the memories that she left with us will last a lifetime. Working and spending time with my mom (Gran) everyday were the best days of my life. She taught me and my children so much about ole’ time cooking, gratitude, love, compassion, hard work and enjoying life that she will always remain a big part of this kitchen and family business. I dedicate this story to her, because without my mom, Mammy’s Kitchen would not be here today. I vow to work hard, treat people with kindness and respect, keep my restaurant clean and continue cooking and creating foods that you love and will never forget! From there to here has been a magical and amazing experience. My family and I shout out a big THANK YOU to all who have visited and remain with us. We look forward to serving you for a long time to come.

Thank you,


Giving Back to Our


 Bethany Haven of Bardstown and Nelson County leads the community’s effort to provide a safe emergency shelter for those experiencing homelessness and a pathway to independent living for men, women, and children. This is an organization near and dear to our hearts. Please consider helping their cause in any way you can!


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Cooking Show

Find out what is cooking in Mammy's kitchen!

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